Wednesday, November 21, 2007

That's about what I thought...

I took a quiz on the 7 deadly sins, and here are the results...



Wrath:Very Low


Envy:Very Low


Pride:Very Low

Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Take the quiz and post your comments. I guess it'll be warm where I'm headed. That's a lot of sloth.

Happy Turkey Day!

- ND

Nabor Dan's legacy...

So I've been thinking lately... what is my legacy? Not to be morbid, but if I died tomorrow what would I be remembered for... if anything. I'm not sure what got me thinking about this, but it's been something that has been swirling around in the back of my mind for a few weeks.

I guess that I should define what I mean by a legacy.

To me a legacy is the contribution or gift that you give to others. It's the mark that you make that creates and indelible place for you in the future. It doesn't necessarily involve some remarkable feat or breakthrough that changes the fabric of society. It could be as simple as making a significant difference in the life of one person.

So I ponder... what is Nabor Dan's legacy?

- ND

Friday, November 09, 2007

The name of the band is...

Nabor Dan is off to the Pageant to see Cowboy Mouth this evening. If you have never seen Cowboy Mouth then you have missed the greatest live band ever. Your loss.

Are you with me???!!!!!

- ND

Monday, November 05, 2007


I love disclaimers. I found this compilation online. Please feel free to add anything you think is necessary...

This product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. List each check separately by bank number. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during shipment. Use only as directed. No other warranty expressed or implied. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Postage will be paid by addressee. Subject to approval. This is not an offer to sell securities. Apply only to affected area. May be too intense for some viewers. Do not stamp. Use other side for additional listings. For recreational use only. Do not disturb. All models over 18 years of age. If condition persists, consult your physician. No user-serviceable parts inside. Freshest if eaten before date on carton. Subject to change without notice. Times approximate. Simulated picture. No postage necessary if mailed in the United States. Breaking seal constitutes acceptance of agreement. For off-road use only. As seen on TV. One size fits all. Many suitcases look alike. Contains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients. Colors may, in time, fade. We have sent the forms which seem to be right for you. Slippery when wet. For office use only. Not affiliated with the American Red Cross. Drop in any mailbox. Edited for television. Keep cool; process promptly. Post office will not deliver without postage. List was current at time of printing. Return to sender, no forwarding order on file, unable to forward. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure to perform. At participating locations only. Not the Beatles. Penalty for private use. See label for sequence. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Do not write below this line. Falling rock. Lost ticket pays maximum rate. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Add toner. Place stamp here. Avoid contact with skin. Sanitized for your protection. Be sure each item is properly endorsed. Sign here without admitting guilt. Slightly higher west of the Mississippi. Employees and their families are not eligible. Beware of dog. Contestants have been briefed on some questions before the show. Limited time offer, call now to insure prompt delivery. You must be present to win. No passes accepted for this engagement. No purchase necessary. Processed at location stamped in code at top of carton. Shading within a garment may occur. Use only in well-ventilated area. Keep away from fire or flame. Replace with same type. Approved for veterans. Booths for two or more. Check here if tax deductible. Some equipment shown is optional. Price does not include taxes. No Canadian coins. Not recommended for children. Prerecorded for this time zone. Reproduction strictly prohibited. No solicitors. No alcohol, dogs, or horses. No anchovies unless otherwise specified. Restaurant package, not for resale. List at least two alternate dates. First pull up, then pull down. Call toll free before digging. Driver does not carry cash. Some of the trademarks mentioned in this product appear for identification purposes only. Record additional transactions on back of previous stub. Decision of judges is final.

- ND

If I post it... they will come...

I apologize for the layoff on posting, but I just couldn't come up with anything worth saying. Although that condition still exists, I have decided that the maximum interval between posts has been reached and a new post is necessary.

This weekend I decided that my pile of unopened mail had risen to a point of collapse and had to be dealt with. I tend to get the mail from the mailbox about twice a week. I'm not sure if it's the walk down there that bothers me, or the knowledge that anything delivered via the mail is going to be bad news. I usually find only one or two items that are not addressed to "or current resident", and depending on my level of motivation I may pull out the ones actually addressed to me. More often than not I just put the little pile of folded over coupons and grocery adds that shelter my mail on the counter and ignore them.

Through scientific method, I have determined that the cloak of invisibility for a stack of mail has a life of about two weeks. My study has yet to determine if the cloaking diminishes due to the effects of outside forces, such as creditors who demand payment, or the cloaks inability to sustain itself as the mass of mail overpowers its cloaking mechanism. Either way, the result of my as yet unpublished study, indicates that two weeks is the maximum sustained unopened time period for cloaked mail.

Thanks to the devious marketing techniques of mass mailing companies, it is nearly impossible to determine what mail needs to be opened and what could simply be chucked into the trash. I tend to open everything that has my name on it to ensure that no personally identifiable information lurks within. So that means that with the exception of the grocery circulars, I pretty much open everything. As soon as I recognize the mail is trying to sell me a mortgage or enroll me into some kind of protection scheme I hastily shred it into a thousand tiny pieces.

That brings me to the only truly enjoyable part of mail processing at Nabor Dan's... the shredding. I know it must seem somewhat juvenile, but the process of using a power shredder is cathartic. Watching the mail turn from informative targeted direct mail pieces, into tiny unidentifiable shreds is somehow uplifting. I can only think of shredding as the completion of the mail circle of life. I'm sure it goes something like this; idea, creative, printing, processing, mail handling, delivery, review, revulsion, shredding. I'm glad to do my part in helping every piece of mail achieve it's destiny. I think I need to start looking at industrial shredders.

- ND