Friday, July 18, 2008

The Rocklahoma project...

The first of them arrives...

- ND

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I'm sure that it has become a running gag with my friends and co-workers, that at any time if asked, I would be headed to a homeowners meeting. Unfortunately, the process has been anything but a joke. It has been the meeting equivalent of the Bataan Death March. Finally however, it seemed like we are getting somewhere, and perhaps the light at the proverbial "end of the tunnel" might be flickering in the distance.

Last Friday was a turning point for me. I had a special meeting scheduled to finally put to rest an issue that has been dividing the assembly for months. I thought that I had sufficient votes rallied to pass the motion, and was looking forward to moving on after literally months of contentious meetings over the issue. As it turned out, the meeting devolved into a yelling match (of which I did not partake) between some trustees and a few homeowners. I was appalled by the whole scene, and walked away totally dejected. I told myself that I couldn't be part of an organization so dysfunctional. I'd have to resign from this mess and let someone who had a higher pain tolerance take it from there. Then I remembered a quote I'd once heard...

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

After some soul searching I decided that it would be better to fight then flee. So I got on the phone with some of the other trustees and helped arrange a meeting. Those that are like minded sensible people were invited, and those who thrive on chaos and disorder were excluded. A total of seven of the 11 sitting trustees were present. Enough to create a quorum and pass any resolution or motion that comes in front of the board. You might characterize it as a voting block that intends to create an orderly transition to some sort of effectiveness of the board.

The last thing I wanted to be when I started this was a politician. I didn't have a clue how difficult it would be to constantly deal with irrational people who have secret agendas, and how much of my time would be dedicated to disproving their take on rules and laws. If we can simply achieve a few of the goals that we set out to achieve, then the initial nightmare will have been worth the effort. If the coalition that has been formed can stand together then all things are possible. If the coalition falls apart then all of the efforts to date will have accomplished exactly nothing.

We will see if my diplomatic skills are enough to keep things on track, or if they wilt in the onslaught that is sure to develop when the "outsiders" find out they have been out maneuvered. The coalition intends to be fair and honest, but that might not prove to be enough to move our agenda. Those who favor doing things "their way" always tend to have the loudest voices and the largest banners. Those who attempt to maintain a dignified and contemplative approach are drowned out by the shrill voices of the dissenters. Only time will tell if the outsiders will fall in line.

Wish me luck.

- ND