Many thanks to the people at Paddy Malones for making space, and letting the clan occupy half of your legal occupancy.
Disclaimer: the attached photo is from another event. The photos content however is representative of activities of the day.
Neighbor [ney ber] v.
1. to live or be located as a neighbor.
2. to associate in a neighborly way.
Disclaimer: the attached photo is from another event. The photos content however is representative of activities of the day.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Dan Dillon announced this evening at Paddy Malone's Irish Pub that he was considering himself one step closer to receiving socialized medicine and "retirement payments" from the federal government. The announcement was made in the company of friends and family.
"Only 30 more years until I can stay at home and live off the government full time like those lazy welfare people," Dillon said. "Not that I think that benefits will be available, or that the federal eligibility won't change between here and there."
Dillon's comments specifically relatied to the Federal Medicare and Social Security Programs. While the programs are currenly operating, they are targeted for major "reform" by the leadership in Washington.
"I'm really looking forward to getting fat and complaining about the way that our elected officials don't do crap," Dillon added. "I'd like to live off the fat of the land a little while myself. But, with Washington going the way it's going, I might as well just vote for the Liberatarians."
Dillon's twin brother, Dave, also celebrated the milestone.
Witness the nearly exstinct NaborDan in its natural habitat.
Characteristic of the species are the glazed eyes, slightly tiled head and smirking mouth. It is unclear from research whether the use of the body in such away is an attempt to camoflage himself, or rather it is a subtle element of the species mating ritual.
The Dan is believe to be nocturnal, but has been sighted during the work week in artificially lighted and climate controlled environments.
This example's diet has been studied closely and seems to consist largely of grain and fermented grain products. It is also known to hunt fats and carbs at several drive through establishments.
While currently in decline, there is hope in the scientific community that the future of the NaborDan is improving.
While poor diet and intake of a variety of toxins has caused a thinning of the NaborDan's eggs. International efforts to save the Dan are bringing results.
Please consider contributing your time and efforts to save the NaborDan.
Dr. Anon.
Hey Uncle Dan. You were really acting crazy. Ps you are really cordanated. you are the most cordenated man in the world. *cerplunk* Well I have to go!!! Tear
Emma Dillon
I absolutely agree that "The NaborDan" is quite an intriguing creature. I myself have witnessed The Dan, both in his day light and nocturnal habitats.
The Dan has a unique ability to drive to its location of employment while still sleeping. Generally, you can view this activity around 9:00 am, Mon-Fri. Luckily, most of are already off of the road by then.
The Dan also has a fascination with the bright lights of sin city. Its intake of heavy fermented grain product has a direct link to the amount of round chips consumed by the large green felt covered table. It is amazing to watch the drink to mouth versus chip to table coordination of this creature. As the night progresses, the drink to mouth combination heavily increases as the chip to table combo dwindles down to nothing. This can go on until wee hours of the morning at which time, the Dan will stumble to his temporary habitat and finish the night off with a heavy consumption of its high carb favorite - pizza.
These are but a few of the more endearing habits of the NaborDan...
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