The agreement entails the negotiating parties giving North Korea energy aid in consideration for their nuclear disarmament. North Korea is desperately in need of energy, food and everything necessary to sustain a society. They are not able to feed and warm their people, but seem to be able to cast plenty of statues to Kim Jong-Il.

Below is an image of the Korean peninsula at night. As you can see, the North Koreans are either the most energy conscious people on the planet, or they don't have the juice to keep the lights on. (The possibility also exists that they could be AmerenUE customers, but I doubt it.)

Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't be working to create a more peaceful world through negotiations with North Korea, but I think we need to be wary of their desire to fulfill their end of the bargain. Once the energy that they have blackmailed us for is spent, what will they do? Turn their reactors back on? Restart their nuclear weapons program? Blackmail the world yet again? I can't say, and only time will tell, but I don't get a good feeling about the chances of a North Korea that looks anything like South Korea anytime in the near future.
From the Kim files...
Hans Bricks, why you no call?
Do they use fluorescent paint on the borders so they show up for the satellite photos?
It has to be a crime for North Korea to blackmail the world - especially the USA, for them to stop their nuke program. First move would be a CIA hit team to take out Kim. Then maybe the people of North Korea could have someone in office who actually gives a shit about their country.The US has to stop paying all these countries who have no way to actually pay back or enter in trade with the US.
More from the Kim files...
I'm so rone-ry. So rone-ry.
Who's the Kim look-alike on the right?
That's the dear leader.
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