Friday, August 24, 2007

Apology for possible offense

My humblest apology if anyone is offended by the hyper link in my previous post. I know that I attract only the most sophisticated readership, and wouldn't want anyone feel that I was talking down to them by hyper linking a word to its definition.

I just found that the German word was a better choice than the English translation.

The Germans are a crafty people, and when they are aren't attempting to conquer the world, they add priceless new terms to the lexicon. Schadenfreude is my favorite.

Damn I just did it again...

- ND


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, looking things up in the dictionary. That is anathema to my progeny, one of whom we refer to as the homunculus (Thomas).

If these postings and comments are too erudite for the recurring reader, then we can revert to more salacious fare, such as the Anna Nicole Smith video that's banned, which of course means 'probably on youTube.'

Meanwhile, ND, if you're still having trouble with that pendulum, you know my number.

Anonymous said...

You blog. Blogging means never having to say you are sorry.


Anonymous said...

Just to keep this lively, I'm going to interject a subject.

I've recently joined the ranks of the dreaded office pooper. How many of you are there out in cubicle land?

Share you thoughts, stories or feelings of repulsion.


P.S. If there is a strategy to avoid office pooping, I'm all ears.

Nabor Dan said...

The best strategy for keeping the office pooper to yourself is to put a little peanut butter on a piece of TP. When someone tries to use the stall next to yours, just drop the peanut butter covered TP and say... "Hey, can you please pass that back to me." While it will take some time to do this with all of the members of your office team, once you cycle through everyone you'll have the pooper all to yourself.


Anonymous said...

Issues with response:

1. You did not indicate a preference for smooth or crunchy peanut butter,


2. Do you really think it's advisable to talk to anyone under a bathroom stall in the current environment?


Nabor Dan said...

Response to issues:

Smooth or crunchy is a matter of personal preference. Stay away from the “natural” variety as it has an oily texture and people will assume that you are taking the Alli diet pill. If you have already discussed that you are taking Alli with your co-workers then I recommend the “natural” peanut butter.

To address the conversations between stalls issue…

With regard to the talking stall-to-stall issue, I feel that the best way to avoid any misunderstandings is to communicate your intentions clearly. Never tap, shuffle or otherwise motion with your feet while in the stall. If you tend to take a wide stance, turn slightly away from the adjoining stall to ensure that your shoes are not visible from any angle. In the event that none of these suggestions works, be sure not to accept any lesser charges in a plea agreement. Alert the media promptly and accuse the government of not mandating better standards in stall design.

- ND

Nabor Dan said...

Response to issues:

Smooth or crunchy is a matter of personal preference. Stay away from the “natural” variety as it has an oily texture and people will assume that you are taking the Alli diet pill. If you have already discussed that you are taking Alli with your co-workers then I recommend the “natural” peanut butter.

To address the conversations between stalls issue…

With regard to the talking stall-to-stall issue, I feel that the best way to avoid any misunderstandings is to communicate your intentions clearly. Never tap, shuffle or otherwise motion with your feet while in the stall. If you tend to take a wide stance, turn slightly away from the adjoining stall to ensure that your shoes are not visible from any angle. In the event that none of these suggestions works, be sure not to accept any lesser charges in a plea agreement. Alert the media promptly and accuse the government of not mandating better standards in stall design.

- ND

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the double post. It certainly clarifies your feelings.

One additional concern... If you work in a small office and your shoes are clearly identifiable, should you remove your shoes before jesturing with the "peanut butter encrusted" paper?
