The Obese Beast
Basic plot summary:
The Obese Beast (seen above) escapes from prison to find Hostess Ho Ho's. In his pursuit of the snack he goes on a murderous rampage. The police investigate his escape. Much mayhem and hilarity ensue.
Being interviewed by the cops
I estimate a spring release of the remastered all digital version of the Obese Beast, with perhaps an exclusive screening at one of the upcoming film festivals. There is no distributor under contract for this film.
- ND
Forget distributors, demand sponsors. You already have the product placements; now pick up your royalty checks (be sure to add the 20 years interest).
I demand Youtube!
(Hey look, to add authenticity, you made it look like the Mustand was not running. Nice 20th anniversary-edition out-take.)
Bro. Dave.
P.S. If this thing isn't sponsored by Shambar or Ben-D Lamp Enterprises, I am going to be pissed.
Who filmed this crap? Abraham Zapruder? Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin?
Judging by the quality, this may be the first non-feature length film shot entirely on a Web cam.
Intense negotiations are underway with both Shambar and Ben-D Lamp for sponsorship.
George Lucas has expressed interest in distribution through his Dreamworks label, but we are looking for someone more "high brow" for our little feature.
- ND
Who will score the piece? I think M.C. Hammer and Vanilla Ice are looking for work.
Get Tarentino! The film is too noir for anyone else.
Bro. Dave.
Honestly... if Hostess doesn't step up with financing I'd be shocked.
- ND
It only sees appropriate to use cuts by the Notorious B.I.G. to score the Obese Beast ('08 remaster).
Bro. Dave.
In reference to the quality of the film...
The yellow coloring is aactually a late 80's precursor to the faded blue-green transfer look from the late nineties. So we were actually a little ahead of our time... at least tonally.
- ND
My initial thought was the entire film was claymation. Thanks for the clarification.
Bro. Dave.
We invented claymation, but thought it... so seventies.
- ND
Don't let Burl Ives hear you say that.
The writers' strike is over. Get off your ass.
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