One of my co-workers suggested that in the picture below I look like Tom Arnold. We conducted a poll by printing out these two pictures for comparison.

My co-workers unanimously agreed that I did in fact look like Tom Arnold. Honestly, I didn't see the resemblance. I have another picture of me from the same evening with glasses on, and everyone agrees I look less like Tom Arnold with glasses. Either way, I think they are dead wrong.
So I'll leave it up to you, my readers, to decide for yourselves. You have now seen both pictures, so please let me know what you think. I have created a poll for you to express your opinions. Don't let that stop you from commenting.
- ND
You are both white guys with goatees. His career as an actor and comedian has been checked -- same with yours (see post on Obese Beast).
However, he was married to Roseanne Barr.
Nuf said.
Bro. Dave
Since I am sexually attracted to you and NOT to Tom Arnold I'm in the you look nothing like Tom Arnold camp.
I too am sexually attracted to Dan, but only around the nipples. Alice intrigues me more though - I like the virtual/anonymous ones. Grrr, baby, grrrr.
That said - you look nothing like Tom Arnold. Glasses or not. Lets lay that one to rest.
First... I'd like everyone to stop talking about me in a sexual way... or at least my nipples. Keep in mind that my Mom reads this occasionally, and she raised a good Catholic boy.
Second... Thank you to everyone for confirming the fact that I look nothing like that guy. Although in all honesty I think the fact he made it in Hollywood says you don't have to look like Brad Pitt to get somewhere. Marrying Roseanne at the top of her celebrity couldn't have hurt.
- ND
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