Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fitbit Update...

Yesterday, for the first time,  I hit all of my Fitbit goals.

I'm committed to a new healthier lifestyle and the Fitbit is proving to be a valuable tool in motivating the behaviors that will be instrumental in that change.

Thanks to M. for recommending we purchase the Fitbits. She also supported the decision to quit smoking, which more than paid for the Fitbit's over the last 40 days.

- ND

Monday, January 26, 2015

Thanks For The Call...

I received a call from my older brother last night. That in itself is not unusual. We talk every few weeks. Usually our discussion are focused on the growing concerns of my parents aging and medical needs. Often the discussions are very matter-of-fact. Concerns are raised and acknowledged. Frustrations are vented, and courses of action are determined.

That's not the call I had last night.

After the initial exchange of pleasantries we had a long chat. We talked about our families, about being our age (halfway to 90), and everything that we don't normally talk about. Hobbies, vacations and where my nephews are thinking about going to college. Only after we had talked for some time did I mention the status of parents, and the plans for the next few weeks. I think I did it as a matter of habit rather than something needing to be discussed. I'm pretty sure that's not why he called.

When my parents medical issues became a very present part of everyday life, I changed. My wife has confirmed that I'm more serious, less tolerant and easier to anger than I was before. I think that might be because seeing your parents age is like looking in a mirror. You know that you are watching what in all likelihood will be your own path. That some care-taking might slow or forestall some of the aging process, but that eventually something is going to get you.

But that's not the point I'm trying to make. That's just the back story.

When the perfect storm of medical disasters hit two years ago, all of my siblings came together to help manage the way through the crisis. As time went on, there were times of agreement, and that of disagreement, on how to manage the way forward. My parents are not what most would consider compliant people. They often made things more difficult through their actions. And this often made managing the process harder for everyone involved. There were open disagreements amongst my brothers and sister, and occasional voice raising. I think that there was genuine fear that this process was going to take its toll on our relationships. That eventually this process would serve to drive us apart.

Two years later, and we are still managing the lives of non-compliant adults to the best of our ability. I was wrong about being driven apart. This experience in some ways has served to do the opposite. It has opened up communication that didn't exist before. I talk to my siblings now more than I have since we were children. It's true that many of these conversations are initiated because decisions need to be made on medical care, but I think that a door has been opened that will stay open after those decisions are no longer necessary.

So the call I got from my brother got me thinking. Thinking about how lucky I am to have the siblings that I have. Thinking about what wonderful husbands and wives they have, and what great kids they have raised and continue to raise. Thinking that what could have broken us apart, seems to have further cemented a bond.

Thanks for the call Joe.

- ND

Friday, January 23, 2015


Last night, a person I was with said... you haven't posted in days.

Initially I disagreed. I was sure it hadn't been days. I was confident it had been only yesterday that I had written something.  

I was wrong. Days had passed since I last wrote. 

So what do you do when you realize you have an audience? Post more? Post less? Create more meaningful posts? Become paralyzed with fear because someone is reading.

These are the concerns of a sometime blogger. If I write, will anyone read? If I write, should anyone read? If they read, what will they think? Should I care? Why don't they comment with their thoughts and engage in a dialog? Did I write something that would merit that?

Because of this I will continue to write. For what it's worth... I wrote this for the reader. The reader who noticed that I hadn't written. The person who decided to spend a few minutes of their personal time reading what I posted. The same person who then took the time to mention that I hadn't posted. 

This post is for you. Thanks for reading.

- ND

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hometown Hero...

Today's Wikipedia featured article is about Stan Musial. 

I'm hometown proud.

It will be gone tomorrow, so here's a link to the page:


- ND

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Deep Thoughs Thursday...

I ran across a quote today that I couldn't help but share. 

"If those whom we begin to love could know us as we were before meeting them … they could perceive what they have made of us."

- Albert Camus

These Boots Weren't Made For Walkin...

Three days into my return to walking, I appear to have suffered an injury.

Here's what happened:

After deciding to resume my walking program I stopped in at the mall to scope the place out. The word on the street was that the mall had taken a downward turn and was a bit dicey. I didn't find that to be the case, and since I was already there, I proceeded to walk a single lap on the first day.

I returned on day two with the intent of ratcheting up one lap per visit until I hit 5 laps per session. The loop is nearly a mile, so adding a lap per visit until I reach 5 laps would get me quickly to my goal of 5 miles a day or better.This was day 2, and I hadn't really done much to prepare except put a radio app on my phone and get a pair of ear buds. That's where lack of planning hurts.

While the shoes I wear to the office are not what someone would consider dress shoes, they are also not walking shoes. Somehow in my planning I had forgotten to put walking shoes in the car.

Not one to be stopped by lack of planning, I walked twice in shoes that clearly offered little support. 

Yesterday I noticed that my foot hurt.

This morning I packed the sneakers in the car on my way to work. Moving forward I'll be better prepared. Unfortunately, it may take several days before my foot is up to the next walk.

- ND

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Walking the Walk...

Quitting smoking was only the first step.

I began walking at the mall last night as part of a new exercise regimen. (yes... I'm old)

The addition of a fitbit for activity tracking will help me monitor my progress.

Hopefully I'll keep the motivation level high.

- ND

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Monologue or a Soliloquy…

I was thinking…

Is a blog a monologue or a soliloquy?

Can it be both?

Do these posts help you know me… or help me know me?

- ND

Friday, January 09, 2015

When People Stop Caring...

There are times when it becomes obvious that people stop caring about what they are doing.There are little telltales that I notice. Things that while on their own are merely an annoyance, but in the larger picture signal a lack of concern. Here's an example from this morning.

Yes... those are two red coffee swizzle sticks in the drain. Yes... I said TWO!

After moving the wayward swizzle sticks to the trash, I spent a few minutes contemplating a world where people cared enough to pick up their own trash. A world where coffee mugs made it to the dishwasher instead of crowding the sink. A place where people did the right thing without needing to be asked or told.

I will keep hoping for that world.

- ND

Thursday, January 08, 2015


Tonight's main course is meatloaf. A hearty dinner choice for a frigid winter evening.

I'm a big fan of meatloaf. Bacon may be the candy of meats, but meatloaf is the loaf of meats, and that title has stood the test of time.

The time has come that meatloaf got the credit it deserves. It should be regarded as the finest loaf shaped meat entrée in the universe.

McCormick® Meat Loaf
But then... that isn't the story I came here to tell.

A few guests will be joining us this evening. As circumstances would have it, one of tonight's guests has never had meatloaf. I'm sure your reaction was the same as mine... what... wait... how is that possible? As the invitation was sent via text, I replied with "Tell me that is a joke". Which received the following reply, "Nope, Isn't it just a huge hamburger?".


I'm sure that I could spend hours expounding the differences between meatloaf and hamburgers. But I'll get right to it... hamburgers are great, but they're no meatloaf.

Hamburgers, while delicious, are shifty loaners that can be customized to the whims and taste of their consumer. Hamburgers are for finicky people who want things just so.

Meatloaf is the everyman's meat dish. No snobbery here. Everyone gets the same thing. Love me or leave me, you can almost hear it say.

And love you I do, you lovely bunch of loaf shaped meat goodness.

We shall see if the feeling is shared by the most recent initiate into the cult of loaf.

- ND

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

How I (Didn't) Remember It...

I have come to an interesting realization after reviewing some of my old posts. How you remember something isn't always exactly how it happened.

If you are familiar with Nabor Dan's Place, then you will remember that in 2007 I quit smoking with the aid of hypnosis. My recollection of that process was that I smoked up to the time of the hypnosis session, and then immediately after had no desire to smoke. I have retold the story numerous times. It always goes something like this...

I went to the appointment. I got hypnotized. I got in my car and drove home. I didn't crave a cigarette for 6 months. I fell off the wagon and became a smoker again because... I like to drink, and have the spine of a jellyfish.

Apparently, reality differs significantly from my altered memories. In looking back at my posts, the break from smoking was not as clean as I remembered. In addition to spending FSA funds on the hypnosis session, I also allocated significant funding to nicotine replacement therapy. There are references made to the purchase of patches, lozenges, and even pharmaceuticals. While I can confirm that I never used the pharmaceuticals,  I can also confirm that the patch and lozenges were acquired and used almost immediately after my session. So I may have quit smoking with the aid of hypnosis, but I was still addicted to and using nicotine.

What I find interesting is that, over time, my memories were tailored to fit a romanticized vision of what transpired. All of the details that didn't nicely fit the narrative fall away, and what was left became the story.

While I'm saddened that the details of my attempt to quit were no longer in my memories, I'm also glad that there was a filter. My belief that hypnosis had worked to cure me 7 years ago kept the hope alive that it could work that magic again. The sanitized memory served as the motivation to give the process another try and, more importantly, that it would work again. It's possible that if I had remembered the experience differently, I would have convinced myself I couldn't do it successfully.

Perhaps our minds work this way for a reason. I'm sure I'm not qualified to answer that supposition. What I know anecdotally, is that the belief that hypnosis would work caused me to attempt it again. My experience this time fits better with my perception of the past than my writing of it years ago.

Whatever the mental mechanics, I am again smoke free. This time it was accomplished without the aids and crutches that apparently I forgot were a part of the experience 7 years ago. I'll be cigarette and nicotine free for 20 days today. I'm glad my mind convinced me that this was possible, and forgot to mention the failures.

Also... congratulations to Missy for the same accomplishment.

- ND

Monday, January 05, 2015

Lazarus and Nabor Dan's Place...

Although there is no proof that Nabor Dan's Place was returned from the dead by the hand of God, it appears to have returned nonetheless. I will leave it to the reader to determine whether this is a miracle or a sign of the apocalypse.

I have decided to revive this space. To rededicate it to the person that I am today. To offer yet another glimpse into my thoughts and my life.

Enter at your own risk.

For anyone who isn't already familiar with Nabor Dan's Place, I'll keep the archive available.

Thanks for reading, and may all of you have a happy 2015.

- ND