Wednesday, August 08, 2007

best friends - old friends

What can I say.... I happened to be out having a few libations last evening. Mid sentence, and for those that know me that that could be anywhere in the evening, I received a call from an old friend. Despite the fact that I was in the middle of some very important conversation, I take the call...

As we talked, I couldn't help but think how great it was to get the chance to re-connect with an old friend (if you are reading this... old, references the duration of our friendship not your age), Somehow it seems that we always connect at the least opportune times. (and by that, I mean you call me when I don't have the time to talk at length)

I must admit, that it is really my fault for not keeping in touch as much as I should... All of the Catholic guilt aside, I really appreciate the fact you continue to keep in touch, and more importantly, keep me in your thoughts. Thanks for keeping the connection going. I always look forward to the calls, and I am always amazed by the stories.

I hope you don't mind I post a picture here from one of the ones you sent me. I hope that one of these days, I can be with you on one of the trips out into the wilderness...

Sorry if I can't tell Pine from Spud. One day I hope to meet them both...

The e-mail I promised is on the way...

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