Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vegas baby...

I will soon depart on my semi-annual trip to mecca (Vegas). I'll be back on Saturday for those of you that care about the details of my schedule.

Sorry for the lack of posting recently. I got a new PC, and have been spending quite a lot of time configuring and playing. I'll try to get some more interesting posts out after I get back. I assume that I will have successfully parted ways with my disposable cash, so I should have adequate time on my hands to blog away...

Wish me luck.


Friday, February 16, 2007

"Dear Leader" celebrates 65th birthday...

Kim Jong-il turned 65 on Friday. The impoverished people of North Korea turned out in droves to wish their Dear Leader well on his birthday.

I'm sorry I couldn't make the party. I'll send a card with 10 million tons of energy aid over the weekend.

- ND

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

North Korea says no to nukes...

After years of negotiations, the six party talks have apparently reached an agreement on North Korea's nuclear program. The agreement involves a cessation of their nuclear weapons program and dismantling of their existing nuclear energy facilities. While this agreement is potentially a great step in creating a more peaceful world, I'm not sure that we can trust the North Koreans to keep their word.

The agreement entails the negotiating parties giving North Korea energy aid in consideration for their nuclear disarmament. North Korea is desperately in need of energy, food and everything necessary to sustain a society. They are not able to feed and warm their people, but seem to be able to cast plenty of statues to Kim Jong-Il.

Below is an image of the Korean peninsula at night. As you can see, the North Koreans are either the most energy conscious people on the planet, or they don't have the juice to keep the lights on. (The possibility also exists that they could be AmerenUE customers, but I doubt it.)

Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't be working to create a more peaceful world through negotiations with North Korea, but I think we need to be wary of their desire to fulfill their end of the bargain. Once the energy that they have blackmailed us for is spent, what will they do? Turn their reactors back on? Restart their nuclear weapons program? Blackmail the world yet again? I can't say, and only time will tell, but I don't get a good feeling about the chances of a North Korea that looks anything like South Korea anytime in the near future.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith dies...

Anna Nicole Smith passed away today. I really don't care, I just think we need to address the ramifications for our planet.

Is silicone a biohazard?

- ND

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snickers kissing backlash...

By now you have probably heard that Snickers has removed the Super Bowl commercials of two mechanics accidentally kissing from its website. This was prompted by pressure from gay and lesbian groups who felt that the commercials were anti-gay. Now... I saw these commercials, and I'm not sure that I would characterize them as anti-gay, if anything they are probably anti-mechanic.

I saw two guys working on a car, one guy opens a Snickers and the next thing you know the other guy is eating the other end. It was a beautiful, Lady and the Tramp kind of moment. Suddenly, when the mechanics realize that their lips have touched in a kiss like embrace, they freak out. The solution... "do something manly".

I wouldn't claim to know anything about either gays or mechanics, but I can tell you that I do know a little about eating a Snickers. I can tell you that if one of my friends or co-workers opens a Snickers and hangs it out of his mouth, my first thought is not eat the other end. My first thought is get a Snickers for myself.

I think people need to chill with all of this "I'm offended by this or that because I'm different and deserve your acceptance" crap. Look... your different already... we get it. You don't have to get sensitive about every little thing someone says because you find their words or actions offensive. The time has come for all of the fringe groups to find a sense of humor. They need to get it through their heads that making a big deal of nothing to illustrate the importance of their cause simply further alienates them from the mainstream. If you want to be accepted you must first learn to accept others.

With the possible exception of mechanics that is... their just weird.

- ND