Wednesday, December 27, 2006

News of the mundane...

Because the end of the year is approaching, I decided that I needed to empty out my Flexible Spending Account (FSA) before it became a generous donation to the government. After a little thinking, I decide that the best way to spend the remaining money would be a trip to the eyeglasses store.

(My New Ray-Ban's)

My appointment was today, and I did my best to prepare by visiting another location of the chain last night to pick out frames. I decided that the best purchase would be 3 pairs. One for everyday, one for when I'm out having a good time and nice pair of cool sunglasses. I assumed that I would still have some FSA for the good people in Washington, but that's the price you pay for waiting till December 27th to take care of things.

But that's not at all how it turned out...

My total bill was $954, and that was after my vision package picked up $480 of covered expenses. What this all means is that I actually exceeded the amount in my FSA by about $30. Not a bad guess on the outfitting if you ask me... I get new specs, I leave no money on the table for the feds to swallow and I reduced my taxable income by $1000.

Tis a good (although rather mundane) day.

- ND

Friday, December 22, 2006

Fun holiday flash games...

Here are a few links to some flash games that have been passed around the office:

Drunk Santa: My personal best was 1142 points (my first try)

Drunk Santa

Penguin Batting Practice: Longest penguin was 323.5

Yetti Batting Practice

Good luck! Post your high scores...

- ND

Return to posting...

I have returned to posting following my extended (3 day) absence. Thanks to all of my loyal reader(s) for being patient and not posting Wikipedia articles while I was away.

Now, on with the post...

I have found myself days from Christmas and having no shopping officially completed. As you might guess, the week of travel to Chicago has thoroughly ruined my plans of being done with the shopping before Christmas eve. So this year I guess I will be looking for the perfect gift for that special someone down the toiletries section at the local Walgreens.

For those of you who have a specific gift that you just must have, please post a comment on this blog with your wish list. While I'm at Walgreens I would be happy to check out the other aisles to see if that special item is available. I understand their supply of Christmas candles and chocolate covered cherries is limitless.

Have a Merry Christmas... and be sure to hide your disappointment when you receive a bottle of Foamy rich and creamy shaving cream in your stocking.

- ND

Monday, December 18, 2006


I am still in Chicago, but should be home by Tuesday. Many pictures have been collected depicting the life of my departed friend. Here is one of he and I in Canada. This was taken by his brother-in-law while we were returning from a portage between lakes.

I hope everyone is well...

- ND

PS - Notice the walking stick. He was very proud to have found the perfect stick to harvest from the local terrain. It was so revered in fact that there was discussion of taking it back to Chicago. It was returned to the states by one of the other fishermen who probably still has it in his possession.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Funeral for a friend...

I am in Chicago morning the loss of a dear friend. Please forgive me for the infrequent posting. I will be back to normal infrequent posting shortly.

- ND

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas

Holiday greetings to my committed fan(s). (or reader, or apathetic to much time on his hands and bored at work time killer)

In an effort to offend no one and everyone simultaneously, I present to you this politically (in)correct holiday post.

Special thanks to Glenn Beck for the image...

- ND

Monday, December 11, 2006

Secret Santa redux

As I described in my previous post, I am participating in the company Secret Santa exchange. I received my second gift from my Secret Santa, and to be honest, I'm not sure how to feel about it.

As you can see, my Secret Santa has given me cookies. What could this person have been thinking? I mean there are enough temptations around the holidays without worrying about caloric intake. Does this person have no concern about my health? Do they want to see me lapse into some cookie related diabetic coma?

I think I'll have one of the smokes my Secret Santa provided as their first gift to relieve the stress.

- ND

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Secret Santa

This year someone decided to have a Secret Santa exchange at my workplace. I was initially hesitant about becoming involved because these things always seem to have a way of blowing up and making someone unhappy. I, through much guilting and arm twisting, finally acquiesced and signed up.

Today I received my first Secret Santa gift.

I love the holidays...

- ND

More content...

Creating content for the blog is a process that requires time and introspection. Interesting or insightful thoughts are not easily coaxed. Wit is more difficult still. I shall attempt to supply my readership with the content that they crave.

- ND

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The mystery of Anon...

The comments posted recently by the person referring to themselves as Anon have stirred a certain curiosity in me for more information. Who is this Anon person, and how is it that they are so knowledgeable and wise?

Using the series of tubes that are often referred to as "The Internet" or "The Internets" I believe that I have found a website unmasking this reclusive figure.

ANON - The Myth Behind The Legend

- ND

A coup' Dave`tat

I have been away from posting for a few days while I rest and recuperate from the power glitches generously afforded by AmerenUE. Apparently my lack of posting has angered my limited, although spirited, readership. For this transgression I humbly seek forgiveness.

I am looking at all opportunities to make the content of this blog more prolific. To best accomplish that end I am considering the idea of seeking out co-bloggers. The first person who popped into my head was Ted Kaczynski. I know his writing is prolific and I suspect that he has ample free time.

I will attempt to post more frequently. Please accept my apology for my ADD.

- ND

Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday... Monday...

Monday sucks if you didn't get any sleep on Sunday night or Monday morning. I had to drop into the office last night because my remote access wasn't working correctly. I didn't find this out until about 10:30, and since I always think driving in is better than trying to find the problem for hours and then driving in... I went in.

I arrived home from the office about midnight, and decided to create a post. I got to bed about 12:30, which isn't bad. Problem is I couldn't get to sleep. I last looked at the alarm clock at 3:30ish, and knew I was going to have a bad morning. Guess what! My premonition was true.

I can't wait to go home and get to bed...

- ND

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just a simple thank you...

I spent the evening yesterday at Harrahs with a friend. I had a great time, despite the normal loss, and I was reminded of something...

I want to recognize all of the people who have been there for me over the last month. Some of you have been my friends for more then half of my life, and some of you I met only recently. Either way, I want to sincerely thank you for all you are doing for me. You are making the transition from my life as it was, to what it has become, much easier. You have helped me recognize what is important to me.

You are all good friends, and good people. If this wasn't such a public forum I'd love to recognize you all by name. (although I really don't think I have any readership really so I'm sure I could write whatever I want)

Thanks for everything - you know who you are...

- ND

Monday, November 06, 2006

So who is Nabor Dan?

I guess that it makes sense to explain, to those not already in the know, who I am and why I go by the moniker Nabor Dan. You see... it all goes back many years, to a much earlier time if you will... about a year after I moved into my house. It was winter and my next door neighbors had moved out. I noticed that a new person had moved in, but as winter was in full force, I was spending little time outside meeting new people. As winter moved to spring I kept telling myself that I needed to spend a few seconds and meet the new neighbor. Finally one evening I decided to do it..

As I walked next door, I noticed that there were several people on the driveway. I walked up to the first one, introduced myself as Dan, and asked him if he was the new homeowner. He replied that he was not but that he would be happy to get him for me. I thanked him and waited as he went to the door and yelled in...

"John, Neighbor Dan is here"

Many of the details, such as the shortening of neighbor to Nabor, are lost to time. I want to make sure I credit Bob for the inadvertent creation of a nickname, and John for continuing to use it so relentlessly that many people think my first name is Nabor. Thanks guys... you created a monster.

Welcome - Let's get started...

Welcome one and all -

After several tough weeks in my personal life I have decide to take a fresh look at things. One of the things I decided to do was to start a blog.

TA DA! Mission accomplished.

I hope that I can be disciplined enough to post interesting thoughts and perspectives here on a regular basis. I also hope that if anyone bothers to read my musings that they post a reply. I'd love to hear from you.

- ND