Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The good old days...

I received an e-mail the other day that detailed of all of the hazard's of childhood that were apparently discovered after I grew up. I'm not sure how childhood became so fraught with dangers in so few years, but I can tell you I'm glad I grew up before things got so bad.

Back in the day, you didn't have to live in fear being out all day. Most of the time you just told your parents that you were going to be over at "Johnnies" house playing, and that was sufficient to explain your entire day. We didn't have cell phones back then, so if something came up, then your parents called Johnnie's parents and you were told to come home. If your parents didn't have Johnnie's parents number then they used the phone book, or asked your other friends parents how to reach them. Since we all traveled in the same circles someone would probably know how to get in touch with you at Johnnie's. If not, in all likelihood the police would never be involved. When you finally arrived home at dusk, or dinner time or whenever your time was, you would be told to make sure that you give Johnnies number to your parents so next time they would be able to contact you at Johnnie's.

But keeping in touch is just a minor difference. We used to do all kinds of dangerous things. We never had ultra high-tech child safety seats, and I doubt that many of the cars we traveled in had the seat belts to secure them. We played sports without pads, rode bikes without helmets, and had toy guns that actually shot plastic projectiles. We shot fireworks at fourth of July parties, and played ball in the street, and yet the survival rate was incredibly high.

Today it seems like the world has changed so radically from what it was just 25 years ago. Now kids have cell phones, and are rarely out of contact with their parents. They have all kinds of safety devices that are designed to protect them from every possible eventuality. The chances of getting hurt in today world are far less then the one I grew up in, and yet are kids really safer? Do all of the protections put in place to ensure their safety, keep them from getting hurt at the expense of their education about life's perils?

Where are all of the baby Jessica's? When is the last time a baby fell into a well in this country anyway? Don't you think baby Jessica learned her lesson about the peril of wells from her two day ordeal? I bet that she hasn't been as close as three feet from an open well in 15 years. I think the trauma of being stuck in a well combined with the stigma of being perpetually labeled "Baby Jessica" cured her of her curiosity about wells.

Now I'm not suggesting that we roll back all of the safety regulations of the last two decades. I guess that I'm saying that a little natural selection can be a good thing. I don't need to read the choking hazard warning label to know that small things might not make it down my esophagus, and the kid who tries to swallow the item so labeled is probably to young to read.

I think that it's time to use some good common sense. What was true way back in my day is just as true today. Sometimes you need to fall down a few times when learning to walk. Sometimes when fighting with sticks someone is going to lose an eye. That's just the way of the world. The magic is learning to look cool in an eye-patch.

- ND

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Nabor Dan's approval rating .05%

I was talking with someone today, and they said to me with disgust... "Have you heard about the Presidents approval rating? It's embarrassing!" I inquired why it was embarrassing, and the person replied. "Well, think of how the world looks at us... Only thirty percent of the people in this country think he is doing a good job. He's an embarrassment for our country." When I continued my inquiries, I was told that this person really didn't want to discuss politics with me.

So that's the back story. Now I get to post my side of the discussion. I know that there are some people that are going to agree with the person I was talking with. If you are one of these people, STOP READING NOW! I really haven't got the time for an advanced civics lesson, and I know that I am not likely to change your mind in this discourse. For those of you that are still with me I appreciate your open-mindedness.

So the real issues for me are simple. There are two things. When did people stop understanding how our government works, and when did popularity become important? People don't seem to have any sense of history. For those of you who work better with visuals I include this image...

I'm sure that anyone who has continued reading this far knows who the two men above are. Listed below are their lowest approval ratings. (Now, I know that President Bush has two years of presidency left, but humor me on the comparison.) In the words of David McCullough (a Truman biographer) "About 50 years has to go by before you can appraise a presidency -- the dust has to settle." I think that we need to give President Bush the same time and consideration we have afforded President Truman before we rush to any judgments about how he will be perceived.

And one more thing. The person who got me going on this rant with their opinion on the Presidents job performance... is not a registered voter...

Suggested reading: (from both political perspectives)

The National Review

The Washington Post

State of the blog address

It has been more then three months since my first entry into the blogosphere, and I feel that the time has come to review and reminisce.

We have come a long way in our first quarter. Many postings have been published, and comments have become the norm rather than a rarity. The diaspora have connected and now use this blog as a tool to mock and ridicule each other from afar. I take much pleasure in knowing that I have provided a mechanism for people to air their grievances and provide social commentary. I also feel that this blog has significantly increased the readership of Wikipedia, and I am also proud of that fact.

I hope you have enjoyed our last several months together. I know I have. I will try to find interesting things to post in the future. All I ask in return is your continued contribution.

God bless this blog!

- ND

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Breaking News...



SAINT LOUIS, Mo. – Ryan Creech announced today that he would be setting his personal doomsday clock to 10 seconds to midnight. Creech made the announcement in the company of his computer club and band friends.

Creeche’s comments were delivered after a particularly bad school day, where it is alleged that Bradley Smith made threats on Creeches life. “Brad said that not only was he going to take my lunch money tomorrow, but he was going to smash my face in with my piccolo. If I’m lucky I can run from band practice to trig without Brad seeing me.” Creech said.

Creech also announced that he planned on changing the position of the hands of his otherwise non-functional vintage Mr. Spock Star Trek clock (pictured below at it’s previous time of 4:58PM) at exactly eight PM. “My parents want me done with my homework and in bed by eight. I’d really like to stay up and study more, but that’s the rule.”

This is the first time the Creech doomsday clock has been changed since last week, when classmate Larry Finnley threatened to poke Creeches eye out with a mechanical pencil. The threatened attack never occurred. Creech, believing the threat had passed, reset the hands to their current time of 4:58PM.

Bradley (Brad) Smith, and officials at Gary Gilmore R3 Middle School could not be reached for comment at the time of this release.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New PR firm SACKED!!!...

During discussions with my newly hired PR firm, they provided a list of suggested reading to help improve the content of my blog...

The firm was promptly sacked!

- ND

Blogger out blogged by commenter(s)...

It has become obvious to this blogger that the comments on this blog are far more humorous than the posts. I will be working with my newly hired public relations firm to make the content of this site more humorous. For now, just assume that any post is merely a vehicle for the creation of witty comments.

- ND

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nabor Dan still scurvy free...

For anyone who was not in my presence at midnight on December 28th, this post will have no meaning. To those of you that witnessed the actual event... What can I say, I love citrus.

Disclaimer: No oranges or cute furry animals were harmed in the doctoring of this photo. We at Nabor Dan's Place have only the highest respect for citrus fruits and fruit growers. Please don't attempt this at home.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Nabor Dan turns 37... Media alerted!

I celebrated my 37th birthday Thursday in Jefferson City with family and friends. With Christmas, my birthday and new years behind us, we can now officially end the holiday season.

Many thanks to the people at Paddy Malones for making space, and letting the clan occupy half of your legal occupancy.

Disclaimer: the attached photo is from another event. The photos content however is representative of activities of the day.