Monday, December 11, 2006

Secret Santa redux

As I described in my previous post, I am participating in the company Secret Santa exchange. I received my second gift from my Secret Santa, and to be honest, I'm not sure how to feel about it.

As you can see, my Secret Santa has given me cookies. What could this person have been thinking? I mean there are enough temptations around the holidays without worrying about caloric intake. Does this person have no concern about my health? Do they want to see me lapse into some cookie related diabetic coma?

I think I'll have one of the smokes my Secret Santa provided as their first gift to relieve the stress.

- ND


Anonymous said...

Frankly I'm glad that you cleared the air on what the content of this package was.

Ironically, on first blush, I thought that they had given you a bag of fat from a liposuction. Then when I found out that they were in fact cookies, it occured to me that they will look exactly the same when they are on your inside as in the bag.



Nabor Dan said...

Ironically, my first thought was that they looked boobie shaped. I thought it was a cruel joke...

Anonymous said...


St. Louis, Mo.

Blogger recieves plastic-wrapped images of breasts made entirely from human fat.

Anonymous said...

"Ugly bags of mostly water."

A+ for those who understand the reference.
