Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The dead pool...

For any of you that catch the mainstream media on the average day, you will by now have taken notice of the incredible number of celebrity deaths in the last several days. Being just the third week of January, the numbers seem out of place. Pleshette, Fischer, Renfro, Ledger, and Hillary, being a less then comprehensive list.

At this rate, will there be any celebrities left at the start of 2009? Will Paris and Lindsay be the only two celebs standing? All I can say is this... who cares.

If anyone has interest in creating a celebrity dead pool I'm in. I'll find a way to add it to the site. If things keep happening at this rate, any guess is a good one.

We live in a sad culture.

- ND


alicewonderland said...

It was my turn to google. I didn't recognize by last name alone many of those people. Death the great equalizer.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Frontiere?

I'm not sure where you're going with this. Are you looking to bet on if we'll lament or celebrate the next famous person's death? And what's with the dead famous person thing - I remember some Anna Nicole Smith postings...

I'm not much of a gambler anyhow. I'm into more skill and knowledge based activities. Maybe instead of a 'celebrity dead pool', we can play an online version of "Dead or Canadian."

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Because its not all a gamble - just take a look around and use the information to your advantage.

For instance, that Britney Spears dame - she's going completely bat shit crazy. Doesn't seem to be getting the proper help.... she's my #1.

#2 - Jerry O'Connell, sadly. While I love his mockery of Tom Cruise and would defend him until the bitter end - those Scientologists think they are above the law. They are bound to bag this guy and erase all evidence he ever existed. Need to get Sandy Bullock on the case to hack those bastards if he wants a chance in hell.... or volcanoes.

I have four shillings and 2 pence to put down - I'm good for it.

Nabor Dan said...

Mr. Fawkes... or Guy if I may...

I have come to appreciate your interesting and well reasoned comments on this blog. You continue to give it the flavor of Old England.

Please feel free to send me an e-mail revealing your identity. I will keep the secret if you'd like.

Best luck in your future endeavors, as I understand you have found hard times in the past. Keep fighting the good fight!

- ND

Anonymous said...

Larry King should be added to the list, although he may already be dead, and is almost certainly Canadian.

Bro. Dave

alicewonderland said...

Oh, and there was a Pavarotti posting, too. I think Nordy may have identfied a twisted fetish of NaborDan. You know what they say about those nice, quiet Nabors. ; )
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Alice wins the kewpie doll prize for loyal reading! (and a better memory)

Mr Fawkes - do not reveal yourself! It is your mask that defines you. And I hate to mention it, but your money is no good here. Britain moved to a decimalisation currency in 1971. You'll need consider another form of tender.

I'll take Jerry Lee Lewis. Even if he doesn't die, the French love him, and that's sort of Canadian.

Anonymous said...

Frogs heart Jerry Lewis.

Frogs no-heart Jerry Lee Lewis.


Anonymous said...