Thursday, December 20, 2007

Almost 24hrs smoke free...

After my hypnosis session last night and the application of a NicodermCQ patch, I have made it almost 24 hours smoke free. I will go into the details of the session later. I am a little busy and I don't think I could do it justice right now.

I am headed out tonight to the Rams - Steelers game, and this will be my first encounter with alcohol and being smoke free. Interestingly enough, I really haven't had a major struggle yet. Last night after eating dinner and watching a movie I got a craving. I was on the phone with a friend when it happened, and that's when I remembered the NicodermCQ patches that I had left from my previous attempt at quitting. Honestly, I'm glad that they were still around. I'm sure that I could have done without one, but anything that makes the process a little easier is fine with me.

On a side note... taking a nicotine patch before bed has it's problems. As a smoker, you obviously don't get nicotine as you sleep. The steady flow of nicotine through the sleeping hours makes for some interesting dreams and interrupted sleep. I did a lot of dreaming about smoking last night. I woke up every few hours. After getting to bed at 1:30 I woke up at 3:30 and though it was much later.

I suspect that over the next few weeks I'll be blogging about all of the changes in my life that are happening due to my quitting. Please bear with me as I recount experiences that are normal to you, but are new to me as a non-smoker.

And for those that are still wondering... I'm not clucking like a chicken or barking and chasing cars... at least not any more then usual. Thanks for asking!

- ND

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a recommendation...

Continue to go outside 10 times a day and freeze your ass off. I would think that without the flame to keep you warm, it will be incredibly unpleasant.

I had crazy dreams too, but I'm chalking that up to the 3 Red Bull I had driving the kids back from KC last night in the fog.

Bro. Dave.