Friday, December 28, 2007

Forgot to mention...

I forgot to mention in the last post... I'm smoke free for 9 days now.

- ND


I took a few of the most recent posts off line. I realized that I was being a huge retard, and that the only person who could improve my mood was me. Attitude adjustment accomplished!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

It will be a big Dillon birthday day since I missed Joe's last week and we'll celebrate it today instead. So you toast us, we'll toast you (Dave included) and look forward to next year's milestone.

Anonymous said...

lame. I'm the only to post a comment in 2 1/2 days. I guess other people have lives.

In any case, we're celebrating Bro. Joe's b'day tonight. Much wine and fine dining involved (and high def viewing experiences).

wish you were here (that is, if you could stand the wine, fine dining and HD alongside the snow and bitter cold)

bisous, tond

Anonymous said...

This is why I majored in "history without dates." Talk about a fantastic advancement!

Political Scientists Discover New Form Of Government
October 30, 2007 | Issue 43•44

WASHINGTON, DC—Political scientists at the Cato Institute announced Monday that they have inadvertently synthesized a previously theoretical form of government known as megalocracy.

"We were attempting to recreate a military junta in a controlled diplomatic setting, and we applied too much external pressure," said head researcher Dr. Adam Stogsdill, a leading expert in highly reactionary ruling systems. "The resultant government has the ruthless qualities of a dictatorship combined with the class solidarity of a plutocracy—it's quite a remarkable find."

Stogsdill explained that megalocracy is extremely unstable and can only exist in idealistic conditions for a few minutes before collapsing into anarchy.