Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One week smoke free...

First, let me start by wishing everyone a belated merry Christmas and happy holidays if I didn't get the chance to do it in person over the last several days. I hope you all were able to spend time with family and friends, and that Santa got you everything you wanted.

Now on to the news...

I have officially reached the one week mark. My first week as a non-smoker. I'm excited to have reached the one week milestone. Overall, it hasn't been that difficult.

One of my missions in quitting was to enter my 38th year being a non-smoker. Yes, for those that don't already know, I'm going to be 38 in a couple of days. I think that part of the motivation to get the "kicking the habit" process started was to quit before my birthday. I haven't spent a lot of time analyzing why the two things aligned, but I'm sure as I age the thoughts of my future came to mind. Being a smoker just doesn't have a lot of up-sides. Getting older and being a smoker has none.

When your young, you tend to delude yourself about what your future holds. You are immortal and invincible. Age grants some perspective. You see that life isn't forever, and that making the best of what you are given is always the best path. Smoking doesn't fit well into that logic. Even though you never think that bad things will happen to you, you get the sense as you age, that they can. Taking risks is part of life. Taking stupid risks is just that... stupid.

So as I age, I guess that I've become more self actualized. I think that's what's supposed to happen. I've become better at putting things into the proper perspective. Right now, smoking seems like one of those stupid risks. Who knows, perhaps one day I'll look at binge drinking and overeating in the same way. Not today though, I've gotta climb one mountain at a time.

Happy Holidays!

- ND

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