Friday, December 21, 2007

Bend but don't break...

Day three... Last night presented the first opportunity for me to test my hypnosis in a situation that involved the consumption of adult beverages. I'm happy to report that, although there was a great deal of temptation on the drive home, I am still smoke free.

Without stating the totally obvious, I understand that drinking can have an impact on decision making. I'm happy to have successfully rolled over the first speed bump with no damage. Doing so however, was not easy. I'm glad to have made the choice not to stop and grab a pack of smokes, but the battle of the rational mind versus the desire to feed the addiction was a heated one.

Other observations from the journey include:

  • My sense of smell is returning.
  • My hands are now nearly free of nicotine stains.
  • I traversed the stairs this morning with less effort than normal.

- ND


Anonymous said...

WARNING: Off Topic

Congratulations to Bro. Joe for reaching his 39th birthday. Never thought I'd/he'd see the day.

Also, for N.D.'s Wicken and Druid readers, happy winter solstice!

Bro. Dave

Anonymous said...

Greetings from the south shore of Lake Erie.

We had a few drinks in honor of Bro. Joe's birthday last night. (the fine print: he wasn't with us)

We'll be giving up similar props for your 38th birthday next week. You are still welcome to have a few drinks in honor of the occasion - and be with us.

The only sunny day we've had so far was yesterday and it had to be the shortest of the year.

Shopping sucks.

Northwest Airlines really needs to work on customer service.

My mother cannot keep up with my sister and I at the tavern.

I'm glad to hear it's day 3 of non-smoking, and I'd assume today makes day 4. I think that's fantastic and I'm glad I had this chance to check in about your growing success.

Time for supper with my sister, nd